We found a 2nd surfboard on Craigslist and spent the rest of the day surfing. It was awesome, the waves were poor but it made it quite easy for us to get used to the whole surfing concept. We spent the evening taking in the night life in nearby Long Beach. We found an amazing acoustic folk trio playing on the street they were just like the Marc Atkinson Trio (another favorite of ours). Acoustic bass, lead guitar and rhythm guitar – really tight and polished. I wish that we could have stayed longer to listen but the rest of the night was calling. Here’s a link to their my space page. I suggest you check it out. They’re called the Long Beach Caravan Trio. http://www.myspace.com/thelongbeachcaravantrio
Too many surfers and not enough waves. Only caught about 2 waves today, one of which sent me flying straight into Geoff and knocked him a good one in the head. First with the nose of the board, then the fins for good measure. Later on in the day we came across a Spanish-Catholic church surrounded with crowds of people and asked a lady if there was a good Friday service. “Oh yes” she said “We’re acting out The Passion, we’re going to bring him (Jesus) out here, beat him up, crucify him...it's gonna be fun” What we forgot to ask was whether of not the service was in English, (it wasn't). There were so many people gathered you couldn't find parking for blocks. Likely because the play was being acted out in the church parking lot. Hundreds of people lined the 'make-believe' streets of Jerusalem, while vendors sold glow sticks and churros (cinnamon pastry) on the church lawn. It began by leading Jesus up to Pontious Pilate, while the Roman Soldiers whipped Jesus. They were actually hitting him quite hard, and the whole thing was really long, and rather violent, and weird, kinda neat, but mostly weird. The whole thing was quite the scene, people on the streets were stopping to watch and news helicopters circled above.
Written: Sunday March, 22nd (Easter Sunday) Seal Beach, CA
We found ourselves at Damascus Church for Easter Sunday service. What a refreshing place! It was like being home at Royal City Church (our home church) for a day. The church is still quite young maybe 3ys old. They rent out space in the community centre for their services. Awesome worship, anointed preaching, and a very welcoming community. It’s nice to come to a church for the first time and leave having met at least 5 people and have had time to have significant conversations with most of them as well. It’s a nice change since lately we’ve been spending our time at a lot of churches where all they seem to care about it that you fill out the little info card and drop it in the collection box so they can count their attendance numbers. http://www.damascuschurch.org
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