Made it back to Canada today with no trouble at the border, although we had to stop and eat a ridiculous amount of produce before we crossed. We rolled into our homeland full of fibre and national pride as Gion Gomeshi welcomed us home. (We are so happy to have CBC back on the radio.)
Written: Wednesday, August 1st - Lethbridge, AB
We ran into those same ladies with the 1986 white Vanagon complete with peace symbols and flowers. They travel with their two golden retrievers in the back – I wish them the best of luck! They are traveling from New Mexico to Banff, AB…with two large dogs (yikes – our van seems crowded with just two of us).
Delilah and her new friend the bunny
The reason it's named Lethbridge
Written: Thursday August 2nd - on route to Cranbrook, BC
We are driving through the foothills with the snow capped Rockies straight ahead! We are passing through a windmill field and are surrounded by these ominous wind catchers. You can’t help but imagine you are in a Sci-Fi film. On the radio is the BBC recording of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and right now I feel like these are magical hills we are passing through…ooooohhh don’t be scared.
At the site of the Frank slide
We were stuck in a traffic jam, and since Delilah is air cooled she wasn't doing too well. We decided to turn her off and push her actually worked surprisingly well.
We went hiking with my brother Daniel yesterday. Its fun driving with him – reminds me of the times we spent cruising around back home in his old mustang, with the big speakers, looking for stores that would sell cigarettes to minors. Needless to say he’s a bit of a wild driver, a good one but a bit crazy. Maybe it seems crazier after spending weeks behind Delilah our faithful steed who barely clocks over 100km on a good day.
We also fixed the chairs in the van today with the fancy foam from our dear friends in Minnesota. They are super sweet, and I think that we can drive for longer now that our bums won’t get as sore! I’m pretty excited about this – previously we were just sitting on just about the bare coils covered by the upholstery.
We thought that our seats were a pain before we tried to fix them…But to our surprise the real pain in the ass was when we tried to fix them!! Pulling the 30yr old vinyl over the rusty springs was a headache. It took a while and a few tries but they are back together and better than ever now. With the new seats we can drive more than 4 hrs a day! woo-hoo!
Went to church today (a little late as per usual) we found a small crowd of people gathering in a park for a service. They later told us that they sold their building and have decided to meet in the parks all summer long. The pastor led worship and taught on Luke 22. He spoke about the Passover meal, about how Jesus told his disciples to go into town and find a man getting water….there you will find all you need for preparing the meal. He spoke about this idea of going in faith, and in return finding things just as he said. A message that this church is certainly living out as they continue to meet trusting that there will be a building over their heads come wintertime. I can’t help but wonder about my own life. If I trust and believe, will God lead me to a place in my life where everything is just as he said so?
Geoff playing in the park after church
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