Friday July 20, 2007 - Wausau, WI
So apparently we’ve been here for a day and didn’t realize that we’d passed through a time zone. (and here I thought we had slept in). Ultimately it makes no sense when our days are without any schedule. As a major Type-A organizer this is actually really difficult for me. I find myself trying to set order to things through arranging silly systems and lists for most things…not sure if this is good or bad?
Saturday July 21, 2007 - Pepin, WI
I think we should name re-name our VW bus Delilah the butterfly killer or something like that. We had no idea there would be so much carnage. We seem to hit at least eight monarchs every day, it makes a really gross ping noise too. We’ve decided that we have to make a donation to a butterfly conservatory or get some butterfly friendly plants for mom’s backyard to make up for it. “In memory of all those who lost their little lives – Killed by Della, Summer 2007”
Sunday July 22, 2007 - Hastings, MN
What a great day. After a refreshing sleep in a Wal-Mart parking lot (yes, I do hear how that sounds) we stumbled into the River of God Baptist Church. Within minutes we were greeted by 3 really nice folk, had a coffee in hand and had an invite to lunch. We were taken in by a wonderful couple (Tyson and Stephanie) and their 3 cute as can be kids (Audrey, Isaac, and Anne-lise). They let us do our laundry, take showers, and fed us. They even let us crash at their house for the night. It was such an amazing blessing. We were so road weary and Geoff was beginning to get stinky (just kidding…I was the smelly one). We went to a church BBQ that night and were given (praise god) fancy wheelchair-grade foam for our seats!!! Steve, if you are reading this – we can’t express how much more comfy the seats are, although maybe you already know since you saw the wire springs we had been sitting on. The river of God fellowship is blessed with a welcoming spirit and a great pastor. We have only been here less a day and already feel part of the community. It’ll be sad to move on tomorrow.
Monday July 23, 2007 - St. Paul, MN
Got in the van this morning and it was making some funny noises while idling…seems she’s feeling the effects of this long trip. Went to the Como Zoo saw some amazing pond plant and monkeys (and a bunch of other stuff). Took way too many photos. After it all Geoff and I decided that we now needed our own private conservatory, want to take up bonsai artistry, have a snow leopard to cuddle with, and a stuffed puppet otter cub. Fortunately, we were able to exercise some restraint and have decided to delay these pursuits to a later time.
Tuesday July 24, 2007 - Minnesota, MN
Spent the day in Minnesota - a small big city. We busked for the first time…can’t say that we wowed them, but we made $1 and that paid for our parking.
Wednesday July 25, 2007 - Somewhere in South Dakota
It was really hot today 100 degrees F. Driving is slow in a 1974 VW bus, but it’s nice. It gives you time to see the beautiful places you are driving through. We drove through so many farm fields and cattle pastures. Corn, corn, and more corn. Somewhere along the way the landscape changed as we got closer to the badlands. Jagged hills, they seem so vast and desolate. They are beautiful, but I can’t seem to decide whether I like them or not.
Thursday July 26, 2007 - Rapid City, SD
People don’t seem very nice here. And the hills are kind of creepy – maybe I’m just road weary. The heat wave finally broke, and it’s only 78 degrees F (down from 100) which feels really nice. We went to an old church today, a replica of one in Sweden. Interesting fact: The church was built with a hole near the front so lepers could watch without going in and could receive communion through the hole.